
Survivor's Benefit Application

Particulars of Deceased Insured Person

1. Name of Deceased

2. Address

3. National Insurance Number

4. Date of Birth

5. Date of Death

6. Gender

7. Employment Record from 1972, April 10.

Name of EmployerAddress of EmployerRegistration No.Period of Employment

8. Name of Last Employer

9. Address of Last Employer

10. Last Date Worked

11. Was deceased in receipt of an Invalidity Pension?

12. Was deceased in receipt of a Retirement Pension?

13. Did the deceased work or live in Canada or worked in any of the CARICOM countries?

Particulars of Applicant

1. Name of Applicant

2. Address

3. Postal Address

4. National Insurance Number

5. Date of Birth

6. Gender

7. Telephone Numbers




8. Marital Status

9. Valid Indentification

10. Relationship to Deceased Insured Person

11. Please indicate the benefit(s) for which you are applying

12. Was an application submitted for a Funeral Grant?

13. Have you applied for or are receiving a Survivor's benefit?

14. Please indicate the method of payment for benefit

Particulars of Widows/Widowers

The National Insurance Act provides for the payment of benefit to Common-Law Spouses of Deceased Insured Persons.

1. Are you the lawful spouse of the deceased?

2. If you were not married to the deceased insured kindly complete

(a) Is there a known surviving spouse of the deceased?

(b) Have you been nominated as Spouse by the deceased person?

(c) How long have you lived together in the common-law union?

(d) Were the both of you living together up to the time of his death?

(e) Have you been nominated as Spouse by another person?

3. Were you pregnant at the date of your spouse's death?

4. Were you mentally or physically disabled at the date of your spouse's death?

5. Were you wholly or mainly maintained by the deceased?

Particulars of Child/Orphan

The term “Child” means an unmarried child, who is unemployed and under the age of nineteen.

1. Is/Are child/children/orphan(s) in respect of whom allowance is claimed?

(a) Child/Children/Orphan(s) of the deceased?

(b) Step Child/Children of the deceased?

(c) Maintained by you?

(d) Living in your home?

2. Please indicate below, the particulars of the child/children.

A letter from the school must be submitted for children over age 16 where the date of death of the Insured is prior to 2004/03/01
Where the child is disabled, attach Form NI 34A to support this.
Name of Child/OrphanRelationship to DeceasedDate of BirthEmployedMarriedDisabled

3. Letter from place of learning attached where the date of death is prior to 2004/03/01

For persons claiming Dependent Parent benefit ONLY

1.Were you wholly or mainly maintained by the deceased?

2. Is the other parent alive?

Particulars of Witness to Mark

Is the Claimant able to sign?

Witness Name


