Form NI 82

Retirement Benefit Application

Section A - To be completed by the Applicant

1. Name

2. Home Address

3. Postal Address

4. National Insurance Number

5. Date of Birth

6. Gender

7. Telephone Numbers




8. Marital Status

9. Maiden Name (Where applicable)

10. Last Occupation

11.Name of Last Employer

12. Last Employer Registration Number (if known)

13. Employment Record from 10 April, 1972

Please state exact address e.g. Mile Mark, Light Pole Number
Name of EmployerAddress of EmployerType of EmploymentPeriod of employment

14. Did you work or live in Canada or worked in any of the CARICOM countries?

15. Last Date of Employment

N.B This should include pre-retirement leave/vaction leave

16. Have you ever applied for a Retirement Benefit?

17. Are you in receipt of any benefit listed below?

(a) Invalidity

(b) Sickness

(c) Employment Injury

18.Have you paid Voluntary Contributions?

19. Please indicate the method of payment of benefit

Particulars of Witness to Mark (Where Claimant cannot sign)

Is the Claimant able to sign?

Witness Name


